Welcome to Spring 2019

January 29, 2019

HESA Welcome


Yesterday marked the beginning of classes for 2019. Make sure to attend your classes this week to ensure your spot in your classes as many classes have wait-lists. If you still need to register, there is late registration this week ($50 fee). The final deadline for courses changes and full refunds is Feb 3rd, 2019, so make sure to have everything settled by then.

For those of you that are coming to campus this semester we hope that you take a look at some of our Events coming up, including but not limited to our networking nights. For those of you not close to the Boston area, please check out HEAA↗ as our partnership with them may bring some events closer to you.

For those looking to be admitted to a degree program, applications open Mar 15th-Apr 15th. We encourage you to further pursue your education and look forward to welcoming you to the community. For those that are planning on graduating this semester, the Commencement form and tickets are also open Mar 15th-Apr 15th. We would like to say congratulations and that we hope you can attend Commencement, which will be held May 30th and Angela Merkel↗ will be the key note speaker for Harvard’s 368th Commencement.

Have a great semester to all,